Fill peg-head
for filling beer barrels CSD connection.
First, the barrel via shut-off valve (1) is reacted with
Carbonated prestressed. These cock (2)
By adjusting screw (3), the desired
Barrel pressure, e.g. 1 are set bar.
If this
set pressure in the barrel exceeded blows the
Valve pressure from the. Is the correct pressure
reached, valve (1) is closed and then the
CO2 line unscrewed.
The beer line is
screwed on.
To fill valve open (1) and (2). The barrel is
Increases the barrel pressure blowing valve (3)
(as described above) automatically.
Occurs beer on tap (2), the barrel is full.
Close all valves 2 and the tap head from
Remove barrel.
Gastrobedarf Westerbarkey GmbH
Schinkenstraße 10
33415 Verl
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